Random Musings and Confessions of a Gym Rat

I’m on Week 4 of my new workout routine, and I can already tell that I am getting ripped, as in not-quite-but-almost-there Tomb Raider/Sarah Connor/Matrix ripped. Okay, maybe I am not that ripped but I am definitely feeling pretty damn good. So, in between my near barf-inducing workouts and crappy gym TV, I had some random musings about working out and the whole healthy lifestyle thing. Here are some of my confessions and thoughts on that:

1. I know they have all these different workout programs now (ie: CrossFit, Insanity, P90X, hot yoga) but I swear that some of the things I see people do in the gym are completely made up. That or some people just like to look really awkward and silly or maybe I just have it completely wrong.

2. I get that the gym can get hot and humid but you will never convince me that wearing butt shorts and cut-off shirts with little cute slogans like ‘I’m hot” or “Princess” really qualifies as appropriate gym attire. Unless you are aiming to look like a gym bunny, in that case, you might as well come in with full make up, matching cutesy gym attire and leisurely lift some 1 pound weights while you are at it.

3. Guys, I know you are trying to impress the ladies but stacking up the weights and lifting them with barely a twitch doesn’t count as lifting weights. That’s right, it really doesn’t so lighten up on the load, He-Man.

4. I am all about healthy eating but let’s be honest. There are times when all your body is screaming for is a Coke Zero with some crappy Panda Express. Really, if I wanted to eat bland and cardboard food all the time, I would eat a pizza box instead of the actual pizza.

5. And speaking of healthy eating, I know some people really do enjoy healthy food. But I can’t stand snobby health nuts that have that “I never poison my body with junk food (pop, sweets, fill in the blank)”. It’s one thing if you like the taste of healthy food, but don’t be a butt about it. Maybe the fact that you never indulge in an occasional treat is the reason you have an a-hole attitude.

6. And one last thought, reading on the iPad and doing cardio do not mix, nuff said on that.

One thought on “Random Musings and Confessions of a Gym Rat

  1. I’m going to a club on a regular basis for the first time, cuz it’s cold and to keep running outside I need to sit in the wet sauna and whirlpool. I try to keep my mouth shut my head down and don’t use the machines, I cardio-box elsewhere and run outside, alone. But there are some things I see at the club that just gross me out.
    No. 1: Old dude sitting face forward to the jets in the whirlpool. WTF is that? OMG I just want to punch the freakjob doing it, and with disgusting facial contortions. Just die.
    No. 2: Put down the phone! At least don’t hold it up like you may be taking photos. We know you aren’t stupid enough to do that but it makes everyone else think you are!
    No. 3: Pick up your freaking trash! These people leave water bottles and paper towels everywhere. You don’t really do that at home … or do you?

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