Random Musings and Confessions of a Gym Rat

I’m on Week 4 of my new workout routine, and I can already tell that I am getting ripped, as in not-quite-but-almost-there Tomb Raider/Sarah Connor/Matrix ripped. Okay, maybe I am not that ripped but I am definitely feeling pretty damn good. So, in between my near barf-inducing workouts and crappy gym TV, I had some […]

Why I can finally embrace being an Asianwhitie…

Growing up as a Korean raised by white parents, I remember hearing random and sometimes, outright dumb-ass comments. “Why are your parents white?”, “How come your eyes slant?” and “Why don’t you have an Asian name?” were some of the inquiries that I heard from people who were obvious geniuses (note intense sarcasm). So you […]